Смотреть что такое "anagnorises" в других словарях:
anagnorisis — noun (plural anagnorises) Etymology: Greek anagnōrisis, from anagnōrizein to recognize, from ana + gnōrizein to make known; akin to Greek gnōrimos well known, gignōskein to come to know more at know Date: circa 1800 the point in the plot… … New Collegiate Dictionary
anagnorisis — /an ag nawr euh sis, nohr /, n., pl. anagnorises / seez /. (in ancient Greek tragedy) the critical moment of recognition or discovery, esp. preceding peripeteia. [1790 1800; < L < Gk, equiv. to anagnorí(zein) to know again (ana ANA + gnor , c. L… … Universalium